Health & Wellness:
Other Services
For physical health needs beyond primary care, check out these community resources that offer accessible support along your journey to vibrant health.
Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD)
BRHD services offers a range of HIV services, including free rapid HIV testing or at-home HIV test kits, PrEP, and condoms/lube. HIV and Hepatitis C testing is available by appointment. BRHD also offers free at-home HIV testing kits and safer sex items (like condoms) to the community. BRHD administers PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) through our PrEP clinic. PrEP is a once-daily pill for HIV Prevention. When taken as prescribed, PrEP can reduce your chance of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. PrEP cost may var
Virginia HepC
Virginia HEPC delivers free HepC treatment services. Their Infectious Disease Specialist sees patients in a participating clinic or on an electronic device (smartphone, tablet, computer) via telemedicine. HEPC staff works with pharmacies to obtain medication and follows patients through treatment.
Well AWARE is a neighborhood-based Community Health Worker program that helps medically underserved communities overcome obstacles to good health and healthcare. and healthcare. With sites in Charlottesville and Esmon, their CHWs meet with clients in their homes and work to improve social determinants of health factors, as well as access to healthcare. They can help with transportation to appointments, filling out paperwork, making referrals to providers and services, and much more. Call 434-270-8991.
Jefferson Area Board for the Aging (JABA)
JABA has been helping seniors, adults with disabilities, and caregivers and their families access vital support to age in their place of choice. For over 45 years, through a wide variety of programs and services including a senior helpline, JABA is here to support you no matter where you are on your aging journey. Call 434-817-5222.
InnovAge Charlottesville
InnovAge offers a complete program of healthcare and health-related services, designed to keep the elderly living in their own home and community for as long as possible.
1-800-Quit Now
This free quit line helps people quit smoking and stop using tobacco. Participants talk with a trained Quit Coach to develop a personalized quit plan and receive self-help materials. Specialized quit-line services are available for pregnant and perinatal smokers, youth and young adults, people with behavioral health concerns, and Spanish speakers. Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community services are available at TTY line 1-877-777-6534.
Live Vape Free
Live Vape Free Virginia is a free service offering professional support and expert advice to parents and teens to stop vaping. Teens can text VapeFreeVA to 873-373 to get started.
Common Ground Healing Arts
Common Ground offers yoga, meditation, massage, acupuncture, and a variety of stress-reduction workshops. Sliding scale fees and vouchers from participating programs are available.
Sentara Starr Hill Health Center
Sentara Starr Hil offers free nutrition education and cooking clases, free flu vaccines, an other health programs for adults. The health center also provides health screening including for blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight.